Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Better Together.

One of the primary purposes of marriage is companionship. Companionship builds intimacy and creates a deeper bond between a husband and wife. According to resources from the Family Life, Weekend to Remember, companionship is built through:

1. Communication: Sharing openly & Listening Carefully
2. Tenderness: Giving creative expressions of affection, showing love through physical affection
3. Spending Time Together: Sharing mutual interest & reviving the lost art of dating

Today I am going to concentrate on #3. Spending time together. Spending time together is experienced through enjoying mutual interest and dating. Sometimes in the busyness of our lives, and living with someone day in and day out we can over look the simple fact that we have not spent actual quality time with that person. Yes, we've seen them in passing, but have we actually broken out of the routine of the day to do something enjoyable together (that doesn't include sitting on the couch and turning on The Office)?

My husband and I have taken up tennis. Neither one of us are great players, but it's something we enjoy together. We also like to take walks together after dinner, and explore our neighborhood. Setting up a weekly date night is also something we have started to do, to ensure that we get that one on one time we need.

If you are thinking "My husband and I don't really enjoy anything together and neither of us our the tennis type" here are some other ideas to get you started;

evening strolls
home projects
working out (Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred DVD is so fun to do together)
hobbies (model air planes anyone?)
board games (try bananagrams, it's so fun)

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