Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Seasonal Depression

Last winter I had a very bad case of seasonal depression. It doesn't help that we live in an old home and so it is very cold inside our house despite our greatest efforts to heat the place. This year I have resolve not gain weight like I did last winter and not let my seasonal depression rule my season!

So I am 1.) taking a daily vitamin D supplement and 2.) working out to get my serotonin levels up even when I feel like curling up on the couch with coffee and a good book. Hopefully these two changes will address the mood swings and winter blues I experienced last year. So far I feel like it is making a real difference!


  1. they will most def help! especially the Vit D!!

  2. Haven't heard from you in a while.... not busy are you :o) Love you! Glad you liked your apron!
